Three-time Daytime Emmy nominee Scott Clifton (Dillon Quartermaine) will exit General Hospital. The actor has opted not to renew his contract with the ABC soap. The actor will, however, remain with the show on a recurring basis until the show is able to wrap up his character's story -- or possibly recast the role. So exactly when the actor will depart is very much in question.
Do you want GH to recast the role of Dillon when Clifton exits?
Poll Posted: May 21st, 2007
"Scott will not be leaving in June, but will exit the show as needed per storyline," a GH spokesperson states.
Clifton joined General Hospital in April 2003. Judging strictly by that date, the actor's contract would seem to have expired already. While a show spokesperson explains that it is not policy to discuss actors' contracts, Soap Central has learned that Clifton's contract expired on May 12th.
In what may have been foreshadowing of Clifton's impending exit, the actor was not among the General Hospital cast members slated to appear in the primetime stand-alone spinoff, General Hospital: Night Shift.
In addition to his work on daytime television, Clifton is also a singer/songwriter. His latest release, "So Much For the Nightlife..." is available for purchase through the actor's official web site.
There are currently no plans to recast the role of Dillon once Clifton ultimately makes his final appearance on July 9th.