Emmy winner Rick Hearst (Ric Lansing) has been sidelined from General Hospital. The actor will be temporarily replaced, but is expected back to work within the next week.
"The character of Ric Lansing will be recast for only one episode while actor Rick Hearst recovers from throat surgery," a General Hospital spokesperson said in a statement.
No further details about the surgery have been made available. However, Hearst is already on the road to full recovery and will report back to work in the coming weeks.
"Thank you all for sending so many good wishes my way," Hearst said on his official web site. "It has meant a great deal to me since I have been recovering from throat surgery. I knew that speech was one of my primary tools, but never knew how much until I went to the land of Marcel Marceau."
Subbing for Hearst is Nick Kiriazis, who soap fans may recognize as Father Antonio Torres on Sunset Beach. Kiriazis appears on June 14th.