Though he's found fame on ABC's primetime detective show, Castle, former One Life to Live star Nathan Fillion (ex-Joey Buchanan) hasn't forgotten his daytime roots. In fact, as a newly published interview with the actor demonstrates, it seems the actor speaks about them as often as possible.
Fillion recently spoke to the Hollywood Reporter about wanting to appear on FOX's hit comedy Glee, but the discussion quickly turned to a One Life to Live homecoming.
"I would also love to go back to One Life," Fillion revealed in the interview. "They just got a new Joey, the character I played, so I would love to go back and just do a walk-on where Joey's in the middle of something super-serious, [acts out bumping into him] and says, 'Oh, hey. Sorry,' and then just keep waking. I would love to do that... Not even say anything, just an 'Excuse me.' And then him go, 'Wait, was that? No...' I always think those are hoots.
The feelings are mutual, however, as One Life to Live has made reference to Castle on several occasions.
Fillion appeared on the ABC soap from 1994 to 1997, along with a brief appearance in August 2007. Tom Degnan assumed the role of Joey last month.
It's unclear if One Life to Live would accommodate Fillion's request to make a cameo appearance.