Lounge singer
Somewhere in Llanview
George Reston (father; deceased)
Hired two guys to beat up Nash Brennan. [2006]
Accidentally killed her father while defending Nash from him. [2006]
Claudia had once been deeply in love with Nash Brennan, but he had only been using her for her money. After he broke things off with her she had a breakdown and ended up in a mental institution. When Nash's new girlfriend, Tess, came to see her, Claudia became determined to get out, and once out, began pursuing Nash again. She even hired a couple of goons to rough him up, and her words and actions spurred her father George, who had never forgiven Nash for hurting his daughter, into going after Nash. She moved to Llanview to be closer to Nash, and was there for him when things fell apart after Tess, who had turned out to be an alternate personality of Jessica Buchanan's, was integrated into Jessica.
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