Lauren, who portrayed aspiring doctor Camille Bennett, started working it film at an early age when a local photographer suggested to her parents, Judge Baron H. Martin and Joan Kapolcheck Martin, that she model. That suggestion led to commercials and student films for Lauren.
She later attended the Masters School where she started its first black singing group. After modeling in Paris and attending Boston's Emerson College, Lauren began a singing career, opening for groups such as Tony, Toni, and Tone and En Vogue. She later returned to modeling in South Florida.
During the course of her modeling and singing career, Lauren never gave up her dream of becoming an actress and auditioned for many parts.
In addition to her television credits, Lauren has appeared in the a few feature films and has recorded a single, which is soon to be released.
As The World Turns
Camille Bennett
April 1997 to October 26, 2000
Another World
Dana Jenkins
1996 to 1997
Street Dreams
Where Angels Dance
Street Dreams
PLACE OF BIRTH: Wareham, Massachusetts
HAIR: Dark Brown